Thursday, February 28, 2013

About me 2.0

So I did a post a while ago with some facts about myself and I thought that might be fun to do again, because I am just that interesting.......ha!

1. I love to rap along with rap songs, regardless of who is in the car or if I know all the words, this is probably highly embarrasing to the hubs. You should hear me white girl rap "Gold Digger" in one  word it is A-MAZ-ING! (Ok that was one long word)

2. I am still figuring out how I could become a wedding planner. I love it! I seriously have the binder I used from my wedding because it was so awesome, if you ever come to my house remind me to show you.

3. There is someone at work who wears so much cologne that I can tell they have arrived for the day just by smell. I am glad that this person wants to smell nice but you do not need to bathe in it.

4. I know I have shared this before but let's revisit it mmmk. I hate, yes I am using a strong word. I hate ground beef. I know weird, right? Un-American? Yes sir. I don't know what it is but I can't stand it. I don't eat hamburgers, I don't have it in spaghetti any shape or form. (I do love spaghetti with marinara and Mizithra cheese)  I definitely do not eat ground beef in loaf form, I don't eat any meat in loaf form for that matter. Bread, that is supposed to be in a loaf. Meat in a loaf form? Whose horrible idea was that?

5. I am the only person in my family who doesn't have to wear glasses. This is a wonderful thing (except that growing up I wanted glasesses so badly!) since I seemed to have inherited all of the other "fun" stuff that runs in my family.

6. Along with chapstick I am addicted to lotion. I have to use it when I get out of the shower. I have to put it on my hands and feet before I go to bed. I can't stand it if my hands or feet feel dry.

7. I like to make lists. How great does it feel to have a list and then mark something off? The only problem is that I really need to learn to actually do some of the things on my list so I can check them off. I may have a lot of unfinished lists floating around work, home, church.

8. I love to shop for craft supplies. I have SO much scrapbook paper that I really do plan on using someday. I have lots of other craft things that I really should use but first I have to find time to actually craft. I think I actually have a problem. I just keep buying paper and embellishments and putting them in my craft room somewhere. Yes folks I have a whole room devoted to crafts.

9. Ok this one may make me unpopular with a lot of people but I really don't like Nutella. I have tried so hard but I just can't get myself to like it. It is weird because I like the things that are in it. Chocolate...good, Hazelnut...good. On my toast....bad. I even like the other chocolate hazlenut things that Ferrero puts out, hello Ferrero Rocher at Christmas. get. in. my. mouth! Maybe I will have to keep trying it, but right now I don't get it.

10. I need to end on an even number! Sweet Tooth Fairy, ever been there? Oh My Gosh! You guys I think they seriously put crack in their sweet treats. I crave, to the point that my mouth waters,  I crave their VaNiella Squared cupcake. Yes I know it is just a vanilla cupcake with white frosting but what ever they put in that frosting makes me weak in the knees. I think that I may need to make a visit there sometime today.

So that's a little bit more about me since I am sure you were all just dying to hear about my weird quirks.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Year (a month or two late)

I hope everyone that still reads this blog has realized that in "Jen World" posting something soon means 6+ months later.

I thought about doing a recap of the past 6 months but I honestly can't remember that far back. All I remember is girl's camp and working 60 hour work weeks. I was busy and tired. Adam and I also celebrated 6 years of wedded bliss.

No baby yet. We took a few months off this summer since we were so busy and funds were a little tight. We started back at the doctor in November and are very hopeful.

I really have no reason for being MIA just that I have not felt like blogging much and there really has not been a whole lot to blog about.

Original Post from sometime in January ha!......

Yay for a new year! I love it when that clock strikes midnight (even if I am half asleep). There is just something about a fresh start. A new year to try new things or make great changes. Sure resolutions don't always work out but it sure is nice to start the year out strong and with goals and plans to make me feel some-what productive for a few weeks.

The hubby and I did start off strong beginning with New Year's Day. We decided this year we wanted to get our house clean and organized. We started with the basement. We ended up getting rid of 3 bags of trash and taking a whole truck load of stuff to the DI. It feels fantastic to have one area done, just a whole house to go. Some how we have accumulated a bunch of junk that for one reason or another we have held on to, but no more! Good-bye junk, good-bye clothes that I will never fit into, good-bye to all  of it!

I am ready for my new, fresh start! Here's to hopefully another productive month and a great new year.