Thursday, January 5, 2012


Like many of you I don't like resolutions because, honestly, I don't know how to follow through. This year I am going to try and pick resolutions that maybe I can accomplish, I mean I have 12 months right?

* Attend the Temple more regularly

* Hopefully have a baby this year

* Organize and clean out every room in my house.
Clutter and being unorganized makes for one unhappy, not to mentioned stressed- out lady

* Cook dinner at home every weekday for at least a month.
I am trying to be realistic, if I can accomplish this easily then I will try it again for another month. I really like to eat out

* Pay off all of our remaining debt except the house.

* Organize my time and many projects.
Young Women's takes a lot of time but I think if I can get myself organized I might be able to find more time for the things I love to do

* Decorate our home.
We painted this last weekend and it is starting to feel more like our place. Pictures to hopefully come soon.

* Get back to crafting, baking and cooking regularly.
I don't seem to have time for this anymore and I really really miss it. If anyone wants to join me I would love to have you

* Put our yard together.
We need a new patio(ours sank), I want to plant more flowers and get the house looking great from the outside.

* Lose some weight.
I think I got a little depressed this past year and I don't feel great about the way I look anymore. I am not a numbers person more how do I feel and do I like it?
* Spend more time with the hubby.
We need a vacation and some more date nights. I think I might have to get creative

* Blog more

* Take more pictures
I don't have pictures of all the fun things we do and it makes me sad

That kind of turned into a long list. I could probably combine some of those goals to make it shorter but, meh.

1 comment:

  1. These are great resolutions Jen!!! I also need to work on the cooking at home, I LOVE eating out like woah. Hopefully that will help with my other resolution which like yours, is to lose weight. And yay for house pictures, I'm looking forward to that.
