Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome 2012

Everyone else seems to be doing their re-caps of 2011 so I thought I would jump on the bandwagon because sometimes it's fun to be a follower.

2011 brought some good times and some of the hardest trials I have had to face.


* I was called as Young Women's president of our new ward and the craziness began


* I don't really remember what happened in February, it must have been super eventful.....I guess Valentine's Day happened somewhere in there


* Welcomed my very first nephew who is so very very cute! I love being an aunt.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
* Met with a new doctor and discussed a plan for us to get pregnant


* Survived our first full year in our new home


* Celebrate Adam's 27th birthday, I love my old man!
* My twin nieces were baptized which made me feel really old


* Our first Youth Conference as a new ward was a complete success

* Celebrated my 26th birthday with friends and family
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

* Epic barbecues with our friends


* Had an awesome 4th of July barbecue with our family that ended with fireworks that half our street showed up to
* More epic barbecues with all of our friends


* Very successful but very stressful first Girl's camp as a new ward
* Found out I was pregnant, it was one of the happiest days of my life
* Miscarried a week later :(
* Celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary, I am a lucky lucky girl
Photobucket Photobucket


* Went to Pinevalley with our friends the Jacobsons for Labor Day weekend

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
adam after four-wheeling                                             there's a lizard on his thumb

* Had 3 Halloween parties with our Young Women!
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
* Celebrated our 2nd Halloween in our home


* Breakfast with some dear friends from my old neighborhood (see last post)

* Thanksgiving with the Family (maybe at our house next year)
* Black Friday madness!!!


* Survived all 4 of our December birthdays yay!
* Christmas parties with friends and family
* Christmas was fantastic as always
* Said goodbye to 2011 and hello to a new year.

That was our year, we had some wonderful times and some rough times. It was an ok year but I am ready for a fresh start.

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  1. I am ready for a fresh start too! And also, you're house is gorgeous. I love it.

  2. Hey! We weren't invited to any of those epic bbq's so it wasn't "ALL" of your friends! :p
    This will be your year :) xoxoox

  3. sorry I was signed in under 'katkes' which I forget is my other account lol
