Thursday, August 22, 2013



Isn't that what we are all searching for?

Why aren't we happy?

Or why, when we are happy is it only for a brief glimpse and then we are back to where we started?

I know many people are happy and find joy in their daily life, but I have noticed that for most it is something we have to work so hard for, that we have to push ourselves just to find that small sliver that truly makes us happy.

I don't want to just try to find happiness anymore. I want to BE happy.

I am going to do my very best to find happiness and joy in my everyday journey. Is it going to hard? Of course! But I know it will make a huge impact in my life and maybe those around me. Plus anything worth having in life takes work.

I have been stuck in a slump lately. I have been sad. I have been depressed and I have been in a dark spot for a really long time. I want out!  There are things that I am sad about that I know won't just go away but maybe if I concentrate on the great things in my life they won't be as debilitating.
I know some of the things that are causing me turmoil are not going to just going to magically disappear and some of it may never go away but I am going to try my best to figure out better ways to cope than what I have been doing.

I am going to share some of the things that truly bring me happiness on this here blog and maybe, just maybe being able to continually reflect on those things will help me find the joy and light I crave so badly. Anyone want to join me? Silly or serious what makes you happy? Where do you find your joy and contentment?

If you post it on your blog let me know. I would love to read it!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I want to be a happier person also. If I think of something to post I'll let you know. You are such an awesome person. We need to go to lunch or something again soon.
