Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Life lately

This pictures has nothing to do with the post except that I am rocking a double chin, hello infertility drugs! I am really trying to lose the last 25 pounds but it is not going so well.  But Adam looks handsome as always. This was taken when we attended the Sunday morning session of General Conference.

Life has been a little crazy. I have not updated things here in a while.

Let's start with May. Adam was called as second counselor in the Bishopric for our ward. It was a whirlwind of crazy and I think we are finally getting used to things. He is doing a great job. We also celebrated his 29th birthday. Next year....30 folks!

June. Girl's Camp! It was a fantastic camp this year and we had a pretty good sized group. We went from 10 my first year to almost 20 for my third year. Camp was held up at Heber Valley Girl's Camp. Cabins, showers and running water, yep we are girls! I also celebrated my golden birthday on the 28th, which happened to be the day we returned from camp. So we didn't do anything exciting but I was happy to be home with my hubby.

July. Fireworks, barbecues and late summer nights under the stars. I think there most be a reason I love July so much!

August. Adam and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. I can't believe we have been married that long, I am old. Youth Conference was this month. It was exhausting but a great last hurrah with my YW. It was also really nice to have the hubby join the fun.

September. I was release as YW president at the beginning of September. I guess I can't have that big of a calling with Adam in the Bishopric. It was definitely bittersweet and I am still trying to make the adjustment. I love those girls so much but I know that they will be in good hands.

October. I love October! Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday.
- Candy                                                   
- Dressing up as someone else               
- Haunted Houses
- Halloween movies
- Decorating (I need to get this done) How are we half way through October and I don't have any decorations up?

Such a boring post but that is where we are at in life right now. I am just trying to get back in the mode of having free nights during the week to do what ever I want. Lately it has consisted of reading books, doing laundry, cleaning the house and working on my craft room.


  1. That's a big change to be released and also to have Adam have his new calling. Hopefully your next calling will be a little easier. I love October too and I haven't decorated because I don't want to dig through my tiny storage closet and find them haha. We need to do another get together sometime. :)

  2. Hey stranger! I didn't realize you had changed your blog and was just doing some clearing out and found it. I'm so glad to get to read about how things are going for you guys again! Sounds like you are just busy busy busy! Isn't YW the best? I was in YW for about 3 years in our current ward (as a counselor and then pres) and it's just the best place to be! I know what you mean about it being so bittersweet to be released. I was released in Feb of this year and that was a bit of a transition. We should get together some time and visit! Candace and JJ moved into their house, which is actually pretty close to us (and Miranda and Andrew are in WVC, so they are pretty close too) We are still in Taylorsville. How about you guys? Email me some time! Hope to hear from you soon!

  3. Hi there again! Candace, Miranda, and I are planning to get together on Sat 21st to catch up. We would love for you to come. E-mail me if you want to join us. Thanks! ~ Sam
