Monday, April 29, 2013

Thank you!

Can I just say wow?! I knew Adam and I had great friends and family but wow!
I just wanted to take a minute to give all of you that have read this little blog the last week, a BIG HUGE THANK YOU!

When I decided to post for a whole week about infertility I never expected the response we received. I initially wanted to post an update to those that read my blog about where we are at in our treatment. I also wanted to share some thoughts and feelings to help any of those who might be struggling with their own infertility. I wasn't sure what else to share but then I had the thought, why not share a husband's perspective? Boy, am I sure glad I did! I wasn't sure if Adam would want to share or if he would think I was being silly, but I sure love that man of mine! Who better to share experience from the guy's point of view then my own husband who has been there for the past 3 1/2 years figuring out this infertility thing with me?

I am just so grateful for all of the loving and supportive comments that we received. I didn't know what to expect from this last week. To be honest I figured that no one would really read or even comment on anything but I knew that it was important for me to share. I wanted to tell all of you that my strength is renewed, because of you! I still don't know when we will start treatments again but I know that we will figure it out somehow and that we will have the love and support we need along the way. I can't promise you that my posts will all be cheerful and hopeful when it comes to our infertility but they will be honest and heartfelt.

I had another post lined up for Infertility Awareness week but I decided not to post it and will probably save it for another day because how can I follow up such a great post from Adam?

This post is all over the place but I just wanted to make sure I got on here and told you all how much Adam and I love and appreciate the kind words and prayers on our behalf. You have been in my prayers and will continue to be.

I also want to add how important I think it is to not feel like infertility is a taboo thing. It is a sickness, a real thing that I think needs to be discussed. Of course some people aren't comfortable sharing those thing with anyone but close family and friends and that's ok. Just know if you are going through infertility, things are a lot better when you find someone to talk and share with. When we first started on this journey I wasn't sure what I wanted to share but after talking to different people it was comforting for me to know that I was definitely not alone in this struggle. So here we are 3 1/2 years later and I am glad that I decided to share and will continue to share our experiences.

Thank you again!

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