with out rain we are starting to get our side/back yard in. I have not done a
lot of work yet but Adam has been working his backside off.
We never realized how big our yard was until it was time to put in sprinklers, holy yard! We measured and our backyard is 4200 sq/ft!! It will be so awesome when it is done but right now it is really expensive. Welcome to being a homeowner.
We should be getting the sod put in sometime in the next week or two, I am so excited. I have been daydreaming about the perfect backyard........
I LOVE this patio set. I am not sure what it is but every time we walk past it at Lowe's I have to stop and sit and look and dream, just ask Adam. It is a little pricey for now it will stay a dream.
I made the mistake of picking up the free magazine at Lowes, can you tell we have been there a lot lately? In that little magazine there were some great ideas like these beautiful cube lights and the best part they had a tutorial on how to make them yourself! You can find that here
I think I might try it.

Oooh la la! These are nice! I have always wanted a pretty back yard! I hope you can make your dream come true!