Monday, August 8, 2011

Checking In

I know it has been a while!

In the past two weeks I have been:

* Getting prepared for Girl's Camp
* Trying to get through the end of the month at work
* Went to Girl's Camp for a whole week!
* Trying to unpack from Girl's Camp, this one is a work in progress
* Signed up for CNA school which I start in a week. Once this class is over I should be able to FINALLY start Nursing school since my pre-requisites have been done for over a year and a half.
* Had a trial that has been one of the hardest I have had to deal with but we are making it through.

I am finally getting back on my feet so look for some new posts to be coming and I have another fantastic Flashback for a Friday coming!

Thanks to all of you who continue to read.


  1. Busy lady! That's cool that you're going to CNA school. Good luck with that! Sorry you have been going through a difficult trial. If there is ever anything I can do to help or if you want a listening ear, please let me know.

  2. CNA school?! yay! i'm happy you figured out a way to make it work!! I miss you a ton! i hope that everything will fall into place for you and adam. let me know if i can do anything for you, i'll do my best from 500 miles away!

  3. Oh there you are!!!!! I was figuring you to be back this week! I SERIOUSLY MISS YOU FRIEND!!!
