Monday, January 9, 2012

Cleaning machine?

First, please let me say thank you, from the very bottom of my heart, for all of your sweet and supportive comments on the last post. I really do have the best and most supportive friends!! I am very hopefully for the new year and we have an appointment with our RE set for the end of February.

Second, it is January 9th already?! Time for me to start working on my resolutions because if I wait any longer it will be 2013 (am I the only one that thinks that year sounds like it is way too far in the future?) and I will be reporting epic failure.

This week, let's be serious and just call it this month, is all about cleaning up my house. When I say cleaning I mean going methodically through each room and getting rid of anything that doesn't fit, I don't use or that is just taking up space. This for some reason is easy and hard at the same time. I am not a hoarder but I am one of those that will keep certain things because I might need it later, then when I finally get rid of it I need it, so how do I know what to get rid of? I know this can't only happen to me, at least I hope. I have to ask myself some really important questions before I start projects:
Will this project be time consuming? Of course! I really don't know how I acquired so much useless junk that I now have to organize.
Will it make me want to scream? Probably because I always end up with little piles of things that I don't know what to do with so it just gets hidden in a drawer until the next time I decide to "clean"

When do I want to be done with this project? ASAP I am hoping no later than the end of the month but that really is optimistic on my part. It really shouldn't take long but it is a matter of getting my butt in gear when I get home from work.
Is it worth it? YES! Like I said in a previous post I get a little stressed out, cranky and not a very pleasant person to live with when I feel like my house is in unorganized chaos. It really isn't that bad because I keep my house clean we just seem to gain a lot of miscellaneous stuff through the year that makes me feel like it is cluttered.

What do you hope to accomplish? First a clean house, cleanliness is next to Godliness ya know, who doesn't want that? I hope to have a sense of accomplishment that maybe I really have set some achievable goals for this new year. I think this will be a big stepping stone to getting my life organized.

Husband is going to be helping me on the endeavour so we will see how far we get together.
Tonight we start with our bedroom and possibly our bathroom, it is on like Donkey Kong (yes I know that makes me sound 12 but I am just trying to get psyched up). Maybe I will post pictures....wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. You're hilarious Jen! I love reading your posts because your personality jumps right out :) So when you're done being a cleaning machine at your house will you come to mine? I'm sure Steve is tired of me being cranky pants because well lets face it I have a mind of a clean freak and the motivation of a slob haha.
